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Puppy yoga does what it says on the tin: group yoga sessions, with some extra canine guests. Customers are promised both a workout and theoretically lowered anxiety levels, thanks to the fluffy companions (and some Instagram content to boot). In Amsterdam, classes are available in the city and in places you can sign up for a session for €45, roughly double the price of your regular, humans-only slot. For some, you can select a breed; others don’t clarify until the “last minute” due to dog health and availability reasons. However, some have raised concerns about the impact of the craze…

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Who is in it and key trends from 2010 to 2023 (Oscar Wong via Getty Images) This report examines key changes in the economic status of the Asian American middle class from 2010 to 2023 and its demographic attributes in 2022. The historical analysis is based on data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplements (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS). The demographic analysis is based on data from the American Community Survey (ACS). The data is sourced from IPUMS CPS and IPUMS USA, respectively.   The CPS, a survey of about 60,000 households, is the U.S. government’s official…

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Waves are ubiquitous in nature and technology. Whether it’s the rise and fall of ocean tides or the swinging of a clock’s pendulum, the predictable rhythms of waves create a signal that is easy to track and distinguish from other types of signals. Electronic devices use radio waves to send and receive data, like your laptop and Wi-Fi router or cellphone and cell tower. Similarly, scientists can use a different type of wave to transmit a different type of data: signals from the invisible processes and dynamics underlying how cells make decisions. I am a synthetic biologist, and my research…

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The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the High Representative of the European Union, and the Secretary of State of the United States of America affirm that the recent sanctions designations by each of our governments represent a coordinated effort to hold the DPRK and Russia to account and to impose costs on actors and entities involved in the unlawful transfer of arms from the DPRK to Russia for use in attacking Ukraine. Our governments stand in resolute opposition to these continued arms transfers, which Russia…

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Home » Places » Paris Explore historic book stalls by the Seine. Welcome to our comprehensive travel guide for visiting Les bouquinistes de la Seine, a destination known for its unique blend of cultural richness, history, and educational value in Paris, France. Here, you will find detailed insights into what makes Les bouquinistes de la Seine such a unique cultural attraction. About Discover Les bouquinistes de la Seine, the charming book stalls lining the riverbanks of the Seine in Paris. Dating back to the 16th century, these iconic green boxes offer a mix of rare books, vintage postcards, and unique…

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Brussels / Cairo, 30 May – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has welcomed the USD 5.4 billion pledged to support millions of people still affected by the Syrian war, both within its borders and in neighbouring countries.  The boost came at the end of the 8th Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region,” which closed on Monday.  “We must stand with the people of Syria,” said IOM’s Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Othman Belbeisi. “The humanitarian needs remain high as millions of Syrians continue to live outside their home country, often relying…

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The 2020s have already seen many lunar landing attempts, although several of them have crashed or toppled over. With all the excitement surrounding the prospect of humans returning to the Moon, both commercial interests and scientists stand to gain. The Moon is uniquely suitable for researchers to build telescopes they can’t put on Earth because it doesn’t have as much satellite interference as Earth, nor a magnetic field blocking out radio waves. But only recently have astronomers like me started thinking about potential conflicts between the desire to expand knowledge of the universe on one side and geopolitical rivalries and…

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“Loneliness has followed me my whole life,” says Robert De Niro’s character, Travis Bickle, in Taxi Driver. “Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There’s no escape. I’m God’s lonely man.” This same quote could be used to describe De Niro’s acting oeuvre. He seems drawn to characters who experience, either through choice or circumstance, a life of loneliness and isolation. I recently contributed to The Screen Stars Dictionary, a collection of videos about movie stars that captures their characteristics through a specific dictionary definition. My choice? Robert De Niro and the word “alone”. Here are six examples (among…

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Abdul Rahman Al-Mehleky Saudi litigation experts offer corporate legal consulting, commercial affairs advice, and dispute resolution MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA, May 31, 2024 / — The Saudi Arabian Law firm of Abdul Rahman Al-Mehleky today announced that the firm is expanding its suite of services. Renowned as one of the best lawyers in Saudi Arabia, Abdul Rahman Al-Mehleky and his team are experts in litigation, providing clients in the Kingdom and abroad with sound advice and representation in important legal matters. Its expanded practice now includes corporate legal and commercial affairs consulting, as well as dispute resolution. “The Abdul Rahman Al-Mehleky…

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Alleges 3 companies jointly employed child who worked up to 60 hours a week making auto partsMONTGOMERY, AL – The U.S. Department of Labor filed a complaint on May 30, 2024, asking a federal court to prevent three Alabama companies, including a Hyundai U.S. assembly and manufacturing plant, from employing children illegally. The complaint also requests that the court require the three companies to surrender profits related to the use of oppressive child labor. The action follows an investigation by the department’s Wage and Hour Division that found that a 13-year-old worked up to 50-60 hours per week on an assembly line in…

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