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Robert Deacon, 63, of High Eldwick, Bingley, appeared at Bradford Crown Court on July 9 2024  where he was sentenced to a 12-month Community Order with 200 hours of unpaid work. He pleaded guilty to two separate charges of operating an illegal waste site – a regulated facility without an environmental permit, which is required by law. Further to his sentencing, the court also issued a remediation notice, requiring the land to be cleared of waste within two months. The offences happened between 30 January 2018 and 8 June 2021, and between 25 June 2023 and 9 April 2024 whilst…

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Using radar, a Nasa spacecraft, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), has confirmed the existence of caves beneath the lunar surface. Here’s why such geological features will be key for establishing a base on the Moon, and what they can tell us about Earth and our Moon’s shared cosmological origins. Lunar orbiting satellites first spotted pits on the Moon’s surface decades ago. Many of these were thought to be openings that connected to substantial underground tunnels that form through volcanic processes, but only now has this been confirmed through the analysis of radar data. Some of the tunnels thought to exist on…

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Ray Lawler, who died this week at 103, was one of the artists responsible for establishing the first non-commercial repertory theatre in Australia – the Union Repertory Theatre Company, now Melbourne Theatre Company – and the writer of its best-known play, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll. It is impossible to think of the two achievements separately. So pronounced was the Doll’s success, it cemented the position of the company. The story of the production of the play is the story of the rise of the Union Theatre. Both are inception events for the structure, outlook and values of Australian theatre…

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It sounds like a dream job but reps work hard to make sure your holiday goes smoothly. From partying with twenty-somethings to dealing with disgruntled guests and living in close quarters with colleagues, five Irish people working around Europe tell us about the highs and lows of being a rep Irish repsBack in the heyday of package holidays, holiday reps were the kings and queens of travel. Pretty much every travel agency had their trusty reps on the ground, flitting between hotels with clipboards, organising busloads of travellers and making sure everything ran like clockwork. It was also one of…

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This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals. Find related reports online at Kim Parker, Director of Social Trends ResearchJuliana Horowitz, Senior Associate Director, ResearchRachel Minkin, Research AssociateCarolina Aragão, Research AssociateLuona Lin, Research Associate               Kiley Hurst, Research Analyst             Dana Braga, Research AnalystReem Nadeem, Digital Producer        John Carlo Mandapat, Information Graphics Designer     Anna Jackson, Editorial Assistant                                              Julia O’Hanlon, Communications ManagerMaya Pottiger, Communications Associate In addition, the project benefited greatly from the guidance of the Pew Research Center methodology team: Courtney Kennedy, Andrew Mercer, Ashley Amaya, Dorene Asare-Marfo, Dana Popky, Anna Brown and Arnold Lau. We also received…

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KBRwyle Technology Solutions changed workers’ titles, paid lower rates than requiredGOOSE CREEK, SC – The U.S. Department of Labor has recovered $1,091,515 in back wages for 43 employees of a Goose Creek federal contractor that paid them rates lower than required by federal law.The department’s Wage and Hour Division learned that – after acquiring Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. – KBRwyle Technology Solutions LLC changed the title of quality control inspectors used by the original contract holder from supply technicians to technical instructors. While the employees still performed the same work as quality control inspectors, the employer paid them rates lower than the required…

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Ukraine lobbied to exclude Russia At least 487 Ukrainian athletes and coaches have been killed over the course of the war, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Youth and Sports, while many have been seriously wounded. Runner Yana Stepanenko lost her legs during a strike on Kramatorsk. She later ran the Boston Marathon on prosthetic legs. And, like most Ukrainians, athletes have also loved ones. The mother of high jumper Kateryna Tabashnyk, for example, was killed in a missile attack. The barrage of strikes has left Ukrainian athletes with fewer places to practice, as more than 500 sports facilities have been…

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Innovate UK has announced the winners of the Transport Decarbonisation Demonstrator competition, funded by the Department for Transport and delivered by Innovate UK. The funding aims to support innovative research and development solutions that can demonstrate the potential to both reduce transport carbon emissions in local areas and facilitate collaboration between local authorities and businesses. The competition encouraged a place-based approach to decarbonisation and bidders were asked to form consortia including at least one local authority, to bring a good understanding of place to the project. Up to £1 million of this funding was reserved for tackling rural transport decarbonisation…

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Vaccinations have provided significant protection for the public against infectious diseases. However, there was a modest decrease in support in 2023 nationwide for vaccine requirements for children to attend public schools. In addition, the presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a leading critic of childhood vaccination, has given him a prominent platform in which to amplify his views. This includes an extensive interview on the “Joe Rogan Experience,” a podcast with over 14 million subscribers. Notably, former President Donald Trump has said he is opposed to mandatory school COVID-19 vaccinations, and in a phone call Trump apparently wasn’t aware…

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President, on his recent visit to the region, my Foreign Secretary met Israelis and Palestinians and heard their stories of suffering, pain and anguish on both sides. He came away determined to help improve the situation and further convinced that there is no military solution to this conflict. That is why we are calling for an immediate ceasefire, the immediate release of all hostages and an immediate scale-up of aid into Gaza. We urge both sides to accept the deal on the table, endorsed by this Council. President, whilst mediation efforts continue, people in Gaza urgently need a drastic improvement in…

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