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A median of 43% across 34 countries surveyed have confidence in Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs. A similar share say they do not have confidence in him. In Europe, seven-in-ten Poles trust Biden when it comes to world affairs, and majorities in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden agree. But most adults in the other European countries surveyed do not have confidence in the U.S. president, ranging from 56% no confidence in France to 72% in Hungary. Views are also varied in the Asia-Pacific region. Large shares in the Philippines and Thailand trust Biden’s handling of international…

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As humans, we grow up playing with other children. Animals of many species likewise play with their peers. But why? Play has its costs, especially for young animals. It uses energy that could help them grow, and it can make them more vulnerable to predators. Of course, play is fun and highly rewarding. However, it’s not clear that these immediate benefits are worth the potentially great costs. In a new study, my colleagues and I shed light on why play is so important – at least for the male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins of Shark Bay in Western Australia. Among these…

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The United Kingdom would like nothing more than for this Council not to hold any more meetings on chemical weapons. As this would mean that chemical weapons were no longer being produced, stored or used anywhere in the world, and the perpetrators of chemical weapons’ attacks had been held to account. Sadly, that is not the case. Chemical weapons are not a historic problem in Syria. They are a present reality.   The Assad regime continues to possess chemical weapons today. Thousands of munitions and hundreds of tonnes of chemical agent remain unaccounted for. Analysis of samples collected at two sites…

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Modern marvel of engineering in the desert of Nevada. Home » Places » North America » United States » Nevada We take pride in providing authentic travel recommendations based on our own experiences such as unique images and perspectives. We may earn a commission when you purchase a product or book a reservation. Learn more › Welcome to our comprehensive travel guide for visiting Hoover Dam, a destination known for its unique blend of cultural richness, history, and educational value in Boulder City, United States. Here, you will find detailed insights into what makes Hoover Dam such a unique cultural…

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The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and United States of America on the occasion of the U.S.-Armenia Strategic Dialogue Capstone meeting. Begin Text: Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan hosted Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James C. O’Brien and an interagency government delegation for the U.S.-Armenia Strategic Dialogue (USASD) Capstone meeting, which took place in Yerevan, Armenia, on June 11, 2024.  During the Capstone meeting, Armenia and the United States reviewed progress on strengthening bilateral relations and outlined a vision for deepening ties in…

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It is becoming increasingly clear that spending time in nature can benefit our mental health and wellbeing. But a new study by my colleagues and me shows that you don’t have to actually be in nature to reap the rewards. Simply directing your gaze towards natural elements, even in the middle of a city, can enhance wellbeing. Our paper, published in the journal People and Nature, used eye-tracking technology to explore how focusing on natural versus man-made elements affects mental health. Urban living, with its fast pace and high levels of stress, has been linked to numerous mental health issues,…

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The Gordie Howe International Bridge by infrastructure firm AECOM, which will connect USA and Canada over the Detroit River, is set to complete later this month. Connecting Windsor, Canada, to Detroit, USA, the Gordie Howe International Bridge has been under construction since 2018 and will become the longest cable-stayed bridge in North America when it completes. The deck of the Gordie Howe International Bridge is set to connect in late JuneApproximately 85 feet (26 metres) of unbuilt bridge deck remain between US and Canadian side, with each side currently extending over the Detroit River. Crews will complete one more 49-foot…

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On June 1, in the nail-biting final hours of the annual World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, states agreed to a robust package of amendments to the World Health Organization’s 2005 International Health Regulations. For more than a century, nations have sought to develop international rules to face communicable disease threats while protecting national interests. Building on that history, the regulations are the world’s only existing international legal agreement focused exclusively on preventing and addressing infectious disease outbreaks across borders. The last time the regulations saw a major overhaul, the international community had narrowly emerged from the grips of the…

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The newly elected councillor received 2,376 first preference votes in the recent local elections for the Macroom local electoral area and was elected on the fifth count.Her strong performance has led to increased speculation that she will be selected to run in Cork North West.Cllr Lynch told The Corkman that all her focus had been on retaining her seat up until now, but she admitted she will now give it some consideration. “It is definitely something I will be taking into consideration. It is not something that I would have given great thought up until now because the priority up…

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Though confidence in U.S. President Joe Biden has declined in recent years, even fewer people have confidence in former U.S. President Donald Trump to do the right thing regarding world affairs. Across 34 countries surveyed, a median of 28% are confident in Trump; 69% are not. (The survey was conducted before Trump’s conviction in a state criminal trial in New York.) Majorities in Canada and across Europe say they have no confidence in Trump. More than eight-in-ten adults hold this view in France, Germany and Sweden. Trump also receives poor assessments in Latin America, where at least six-in-ten in every…

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