Monday 2 September12:00 hrCooking at Casa Rica – British ProductsCasa Rica Molas LópezOpen access, free of charge 19:00 hrBritish Film Celebration: Shaun of the Dead – Grand openingCinemark Paseo La GaleríaEvent by invitation only 20:30 hrPlay ‘‘Algo de Ricardo o Historia de un jabalí’’ (Something about Ricardo or Story of a wild boar)Museo del Archivo Nacional (Mariscal Estigarribia casi Iturbe)Event with prior reservation via WhatsApp at 0991400094Tuesday 3 September11:00 hrDocumentary “Una cama para la Virgen” (A bed for the Virgin) with Ysanne GayetANGLO English (Juan de Salazar y Espinoza 391)Exclusive event for ANGLO students 15:00 hrWomen in DiplomacyAcademia Diplomática y Consular ‘‘Carlos Antonio López’’ (14 de Mayo y Humaitá)Open access, limited availability, prior sign up required here 17:00 hrAmbassador Book Reading at LiteratoLiterato/Urbano Café (Papa Juan XXIII 1713 esq. Prof. Gómez Ríos, Asunción)Open access, free of charge with limited capacity 19:00 hrBritish Film Celebration: Secrets and Lies – Screening and panel discussionCinemark Paseo La GaleríaOpen access, limited availability. Prior sign up required here. Not suitable for guests under 18 years old 20:00 hrTriumph British NightAutopista Silvio Pettirossi km. 12 c/ Autopista Ñu Guasu – LuqueEvent by invitation onlyWednesday 4 September11:00 hrShort film “Legado” (Legacy)Municipality of Nueva LondresOpen access, free of charge 15:00 hrMasterclass: Financing for non-governmental organizationsStreaming online via FacebookOpen access, prior sign up required here 19:00 hrBritish Film Celebration: Sexy Beast – Screening and panel discussionCinemark Paseo La GaleríaOpen access, limited availability. Prior sign up required here. Not suitable for guests under 18 years oldThursday 5 September09:00 hrExhibition ‘‘El vuelo de las aves’’ (The flight of birds)MUCI – TatakuaLab, Complejo Textilia sobre General SantosTickets available at MuCi 17:00 hrBOOKS Bookshop: Ambassador reading The WitchesBooks, Mariscal López Shopping, AsunciónOpen access, free of charge 18:00 hrDrinks in Casa Rica: British DrinksCasa Rica EspañaOpen access, free of charge 18:00 hr/ 22:30 hrAfter Office and Coldplay tribute at Sacramento Brewing Co. (After Office starts at 18:00 hs, tribute starts at 22:30 hs)Sacramento Brewing Co. (Avda. Santísimo Sacramento 655 casi Avda. España)Open access, free of charge 19:00 hrBritish Film Celebration: Snatch – ScreeningCinemark Paseo La GaleríaOpen access, limited availability. Prior sign up required here. Not suitable for guests under 18 years oldFriday 6 September11 hrVirtual Tour of Jane Austen’s House MuseumPrivate Online exhibition – streaming online via ZoomOpen access, limited availability, prior sign up required here 16:00 hrBritish Film Celebration: Babe – ScreeningCinemark Paseo La GaleríaOpen access, limited availability. Prior sign up required here. Suitable for all ages 18:00 hr/ 22:30 hrAfter Office and BritPop tribute at Sacramento Brewing Co. (After Office starts at 18:00 hs, tribute starts at 22:30 hs)Sacramento Brewing Co. (Avda. Santísimo Sacramento 655 casi Avda. España)Open access, free of charge 20:00 hrBRAT-ish Night, Open Doors 20:00 hsLa Serafina, Espacio Cultural Feminista (Eligio Ayala 907)Open access, free of chargeSaturday 7 September11:00 hrConnecting with our National ParksIn front of Turista Róga (Avda. José Asunción Flores – Avda. Costanera)Open access, prior sign up required here 16:00 hrCycle your city AsunciónDeparture and arrival point: SENATUR headquarters – Turista Róga, Palma streetOpen access, prior sign up required here 16:00 hrCallecultura: Exhibition of products by women entrepreneurs and children’s playJuan de Salazar entre Avda. Artigas y San JoséOpen access, free of charge 20:00 hrBritish Week finale: Beatles Night: Ambassador Speech and live bandBeatles MuseumEvent by invitation only 21:00 hrBritish Night at London PubLondon Pub, (Mcal. López esq. José de Jesús Martínez, Pedro Juan Caballero)Open access, tickets at the door
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