Teen girls and boys in the U.S. face different pressures and have different experiences at school but want the same things out of life (Willie B. Thomas/Getty Images) How we did this Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand teens’ views on their school experiences, friendships and future plans. The Center conducted an online survey of 1,391 U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 from Sept. 18 to Oct. 10, 2024, through Ipsos. Ipsos recruited the teens via their parents, who were part of its KnowledgePanel. The KnowledgePanel is a probability-based web panel recruited primarily through national, random sampling…
Author: Reem Nadeem
We asked U.S. teens how common a variety of problems are among students at their school. Anxiety and depression tops the list, with 30% of teens saying it’s extremely or very common at their school. About one-in-five teens (22%) say bullying is extremely or very common at their school. A similar share (19%) say the same about drug use. Some 17% of students say physical fights are highly common at their school, and 14% say alcohol use is highly common. Girls are more likely than boys to say anxiety and depression is extremely or very common at their school (35%…
In addition to asking about the problems their peers at school are dealing with, we asked teens about the pressures they personally face. By far the biggest source of pressure for teens is their grades. Roughly seven-in-ten teens (68%) say they face a great deal or fair amount of pressure to get good grades. Substantial shares of teens say they feel certain social pressures as well. Some 47% say they feel at least a fair amount of pressure to look good, and 41% feel pressure to fit in socially. A third say they feel a great deal or fair amount…
Friendships play a large role in many teens’ lives. Relationships with friends can also be a predictor of long-term outcomes for teens, including the quality of their adult relationships and work performance. We asked U.S. teens a few questions about their friend networks, and more specifically, whether they can turn to these networks for emotional support. Number and gender of friends Roughly two-thirds of teens (64%) say they have between one and four close friends. About a third (34%) say they have five or more close friends – fairly similar to the share of U.S. adults who say the same.…
Given the current gender gap in college completion and the growing share of adults who don’t want to have children, we were curious about teens’ long-term goals and plans for adulthood. Plans after high school When we asked teens what they plan to do after they finish high school, 53% said they plan to attend a four-year college. Among teens, plans for attending college after high school differ by key demographics: Gender: 60% of girls, compared with 46% of boys, say they plan to attend a four-year college. Household income: Teens from households that make over $75,000 annually are the…
The American Trends Panel survey methodology Overview Data in this report comes from Wave 157 of the American Trends Panel (ATP), Pew Research Center’s nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. The survey was conducted Oct. 7-13, 2024, among a sample of ATP members who indicated that they currently work either full or part time for pay. A total of 5,395 panelists responded out of 6,490 who were sampled, for a survey-level response rate of 90% (AAPOR RR3). The cumulative response rate accounting for nonresponse to the recruitment surveys and attrition is 3%. The break-off rate among panelists who…
About a third of workers say AI use will lead to fewer job opportunities for them in the long run; chatbots seen as more helpful for speeding up work than improving its quality (Maskot/Getty Images) How we did this Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to understand how American workers see the use of AI in the workplace and their own experiences with AI in their jobs. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,273 U.S. adults who are employed part time or full time and who have only one job or have more than one but consider one of them to…
This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals: Research team Jocelyn Kiley, Director, Political ResearchHannah Hartig, Senior ResearcherBaxter Oliphant, Senior ResearcherGabe Borelli, Research AssociateAndrew Daniller, Research AssociateAndy Cerda, Research AnalystJoseph Copeland, Research AnalystTed Van Green, Research Analyst Shanay Gracia, Research Assistant Communications and editorial Nida Asheer, Senior Communications ManagerTalia Price, Communications AssociateRebecca Leppert, Copy Editor Graphic design and web publishing Alissa Scheller, Senior Information Graphics DesignerReem Nadeem, Digital ProducerBeshay Sakla, Associate Digital Producer Methodology Andrew Mercer, Senior Research MethodologistDorene Asare-Marfo, Senior Panel ManagerDana Popky, Associate Panel Manager Arnold Lau, Research Methodologist Pew…
The American Trends Panel survey methodology Overview Data in this report comes from Wave 161 of the American Trends Panel (ATP), Pew Research Center’s nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. The survey was conducted from Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, 2025. A total of 5,086 panelists responded out of 5,699 who were sampled, for a survey-level response rate of 89%. The cumulative response rate accounting for nonresponse to the recruitment surveys and attrition is 3%. The break-off rate among panelists who logged on to the survey and completed at least one item is 1%. The margin of sampling…
Sharp rise in the share of Democrats who view ‘the state of moral values’ as a very big national problem How we did this Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ views of problems facing the country. For this analysis, we surveyed 5,086 adults from Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, 2025. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), a group of people recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses who have agreed to take surveys regularly. This kind of recruitment gives nearly all U.S. adults a chance…