Author: Reem Nadeem

What if they win? Harris and Trump supporters differ over the acceptability of presidential actions by their own candidate (Allison Joyce/AFP via Getty Images; Tierney L. Cross/Getty Images) Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ views of the 2024 presidential election campaign. For this analysis, we surveyed 9,720 adults – including 8,044 registered voters – from Aug. 26 to Sept. 2, 2024. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), a group of people recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses who have agreed to take surveys regularly.…

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Following Robert F. Kennedy’s recent exit from the presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are tied among registered voters at 49% each. Harris and Trump also remain at near parity in strength of support, with about six-in-ten of each candidate’s supporters backing them strongly. Harris backers continue to support her more strongly than Biden’s did earlier this year. Most voters also indicate they have made up their mind about which candidate they will support, with at least eight-in-ten Harris and Trump supporters saying they are certain they’ll support their preferred candidate. Voting preferences among demographic…

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Majorities of both Harris and Trump supporters say that, if elected, it would be acceptable for the candidate they support to use executive orders to make policies when they can’t get their priorities through Congress. But supporters of each candidate overwhelmingly reject the potential use of executive orders by the opposing candidate in this way. On other expansive uses of presidential power that have come up at points during the campaign, there are notable distinctions between Harris and Trump supporters. Substantial shares of Trump supporters say they would accept certain actions from a future President Donald Trump, even as far…

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Most supporters of both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris say they’ve thought a lot about the candidates this year and say the outcome of the race really matters. As in other recent elections, the two coalitions are roughly equally engaged and interested. And satisfaction with the field is much higher than it was a few months ago – as Harris’ backers are now much more likely to say they are satisfied than President Joe Biden’s supporters were in July. Nearly two-thirds of voters (64%) say they have given a lot of thought to the candidates who…

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Americans’ views of the nation’s economy remain largely negative. And U.S. adults continue to express concern over the price of food and consumer goods and increasing worries about housing prices and the availability of jobs. A quarter rate economic conditions as excellent or good, while 37% say they are only fair and 38% rate conditions as poor. Views of the economy have fluctuated only modestly in the past year. In May, for example, 23% expressed positive views of the economy. Economic ratings remain partisan. About four-in-ten Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (41%) rate economic conditions positively, up slightly from May (37%).…

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This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals: Research team Carroll Doherty, Director, Political ResearchJocelyn Kiley, Senior Associate Director, Political ResearchHannah Hartig, Senior ResearcherBaxter Oliphant, Senior ResearcherGabe Borelli, Research AssociateAndrew Daniller, Research AssociateAndy Cerda, Research AnalystJoseph Copeland, Research AnalystTed Van Green, Research AnalystShanay Gracia, Research Assistant Communications and editorial Nida Asheer, Senior Communications ManagerTalia Price, Communications AssociateRebecca Leppert, Copy Editor Graphic design and web publishing Alissa Scheller, Senior Information Graphics DesignerReem Nadeem, Digital Producer Methodology Andrew Mercer, Senior Research MethodologistDorene Asare-Marfo, Senior Panel ManagerDana Popky, Associate Panel ManagerArnold Lau, Research Methodologist pewresearch

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The American Trends Panel survey methodology Overview Data in this report comes from Wave 153 of the American Trends Panel (ATP), Pew Research Center’s nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. The survey was conducted from Aug. 26 to Sept. 2, 2024. A total of 9,720 panelists responded out of 10,645 who were sampled, for a survey-level response rate of 91%. The cumulative response rate accounting for nonresponse to the recruitment surveys and attrition is 3%. The break-off rate among panelists who logged on to the survey and completed at least one item is less than 1%. The margin…

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This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals: Research team Carroll Doherty, Director, Political ResearchJocelyn Kiley, Senior Associate Director, Political ResearchHannah Hartig, Senior ResearcherBaxter Oliphant, Senior ResearcherGabe Borelli, Research AssociateAndrew Daniller, Research AssociateAndy Cerda, Research AnalystJoseph Copeland, Research AnalystTed Van Green, Research AnalystShanay Gracia, Research Assistant Communications and editorial Nida Asheer, Senior Communications ManagerMaya Pottiger, Communications AssociateTalia Price, Communications AssociateDavid Kent, Senior Copy EditorAnna Jackson, Editorial Assistant Graphic design and web publishing Alissa Scheller, Senior Information Graphics DesignerReem Nadeem, Digital Producer Methodology Andrew Mercer, Senior Research MethodologistDorene Asare-Marfo, Senior Panel ManagerDana Popky,…

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Wide differences over cultural issues, role of government and foreign policy (All photos via Getty Images) This spring, Pew Research Center conducted a major study of American political values. This survey examined the public’s views of topics including immigration, race and ethnicity, government, family, gender identity, religious values, and foreign policy. Reports released earlier this year looked at these attitudes among supporters of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump – then the likely major-party nominees for president. Because the Pew Research Center interviews the same adults over time using the online American Trends Panel, for this analysis we…

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Strong support for Harris is nearly 20 points higher than for Biden last month Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump at campaign rallies in late July. (Elijah Nouvelage/AFP and Brandon Bell, both via Getty images) Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ views of the 2024 presidential race and the candidates running. For this analysis, we surveyed 9,201 adults – including 7,569 registered voters – from Aug. 5 to 11, 2024. Everyone who took part in this survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), a group of people recruited through national,…

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