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The Seychelles archipelago of 115 islands stretches across a vast area of the western Indian Ocean. Each island is fringed by coral reefs. Coral reefs are formed by colonies of invertebrate animals that build hard skeletons and grow in a myriad of forms. These complex tropical reefs support a third of all species in the ocean as well as the livelihoods of millions of people. Dependency on coral reefs for food security and economic stability is particularly acute in small island developing states such as Seychelles, where a high proportion of people live close to reef systems and there isn’t…

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The prime minister’s announcement of a snap summer election in the UK caught many people by surprise. But broadcasters and the media regulator have been preparing for some time. Ofcom faces the challenge of monitoring how broadcasters report the campaigns, and whether they are abiding by the UK’s due impartiality laws in doing so. The broadcast news landscape has changed somewhat since the last general election. This is the first time the highly opinionated GB News will be covering the campaign. Its partisan approach includes prominently right-wing journalists and politicians as presenters. Still, the channel has maintained an Ofcom broadcast…

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Health Minister Stephen Donnelly is “in denial” about the trolley in University Hospital Limerick (UHL), according to Sinn Féin Senator Paul Gavan.  The HSE is to conduct a review into the care of a 76-year-old man who died from sepsis two days after being discharged from UHL.  Michael Cuddihy spent 18 hours on a trolley after being admitted in November 2023, before being told he had a stomach bug and sent home.  Mr Gavan said you would be “lost for words” over the shocking conditions Mr Cuddihy and others faced.  “This is the second case involving sepsis that has to…

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the incremental award of $3,750,000 in funding to support continued disaster-relief employment and workforce training for eligible residents in Florida as the state continues to recover following Hurricane Ian. On Oct. 17, 2022, the department announced the award of a National Dislocated Worker Grant – with an initial award of $15 million – and followed with the announcement of an incremental award of $7.5 million on Oct. 2, 2023, to the Florida Department of Commerce to provide people with temporary jobs for debris removal, humanitarian assistance and clean-up work. Funding also supports career and…

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Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday: “I have decided to sever the connection between Spain’s representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians from the West Bank.” Borrell, however, isn’t impressed with Israel’s response. “Israel needs to accept that it can be criticized by people who do not believe that it is doing things well, and what is happening in Gaza is certainly worrying people in Europe and around the world,” the EU’s foreign policy chief added. While none of the G7 nations recognizes Palestine, more than 140…

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64% of Americans live within 2 miles of a public charging station, and those who live closest to chargers view EVs more positively Electric vehicle charging stations in Corte Madera, California. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans’ views on electric vehicles. We surveyed 10,329 U.S. adults from May 30 to June 4, 2023. Everyone who took part in the survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way, nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of…

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This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals: Primary Researchers Samuel Bestvater, Computational Social ScientistSono Shah, Associate Director, Data Labs Research Team Aaron Smith, Director, Data LabsEileen Yam, Director, Science and Society ResearchAlec Tyson, Associate Director, Science and Society ResearchBrian Kennedy, Senior ResearcherAthena Chapekis, Data Science AnalystEmma Kikuchi, Research Assistant Editorial and Graphic Design Alissa Scheller, Senior Information Graphics DesignerAnna Jackson, Editorial Assistant Communications and Web Publishing Sogand Afkari, Communications ManagerAndrew Grant, Communications AssociateJanakee Chavda, Assistant Digital Producer In addition, the project benefited greatly from the guidance of Pew Research Center’s survey…

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The following table details the results of a series of statistical models predicting various measures related to people’s attitudes toward electric vehicles from a set of explanatory variables, or predictors. These models can be interpreted as estimating the effect of proximity to charging infrastructure on these outcomes of interest, while controlling for other factors related to attitudes towards EVs such as urbanicity, political ideology and socioeconomic status. The models used are binary logistic regression models based on the full sample of U.S. adults surveyed for this study. The analyses are based on the weighted sample, thus adjusting for differences in…

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American Trends Panel survey methodology The American Trends Panel (ATP), created by Pew Research Center, is a nationally representative panel of randomly selected U.S. adults. Panelists participate via self-administered web surveys. Panelists who do not have internet access at home are provided with a tablet and wireless internet connection. Interviews are conducted in both English and Spanish. The panel is being managed by Ipsos. Data in this report is drawn from ATP Wave 128, conducted from May 30 to June 4, 2023, and includes an oversample of Hispanic adults, non-Hispanic Asian adults, non-Hispanic Black adults and 18- to 29-year-olds in…

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Machine learning has pushed the boundaries in several fields, including personalized medicine, self-driving cars and customized advertisements. Research has shown, however, that these systems memorize aspects of the data they were trained with in order to learn patterns, which raises concerns for privacy. In statistics and machine learning, the goal is to learn from past data to make new predictions or inferences about future data. In order to achieve this goal, the statistician or machine learning expert selects a model to capture the suspected patterns in the data. A model applies a simplifying structure to the data, which makes it…

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