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Addressing the preparatory committee (PrepComm) for the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed highlighted the persistent challenges developing nations face and the imperative for ambitious global financial reforms. The Conference, which will be held in Spain next year, provides a unique opportunity to tackle these challenges head on, Mr. Guterres told the PrepComm participants gathered in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in a video message. “It opens the door for world leaders to adopt ambitious reforms to deliver affordable long-term financing at scale – and deliver the SDG Stimulus.” It…

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In March, the Government declared a state of emergency in 23 of the southeast African nation’s 28 districts amidst severe El Niño conditions. The current El Niño weather pattern is occurring against the backdrop of recurrent disaster and climate shocks, and heightened vulnerabilities that have set back Malawi’s development trajectory. In March last year, Tropical Cyclone Freddy affected over 2.2 million people and damaged critical infrastructure. In 2022, Malawi also faced its deadliest cholera outbreak ever. Widespread damage The dry spells this year have caused widespread damage to crops and negatively affected food production in Malawi, where over 80…

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In response to questions at the regular daily briefing in New York, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said António Guterres “very much welcomes the signing of the Beijing Declaration by the Palestinian factions”, adding that it was “an important step towards furthering Palestinian unity.” Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007 when it forced Fatah out of the enclave after winning a majority of votes in an election the previous year. Fatah governs in the West Bank and previous attempts to end the faction fighting have proved elusive. The Chinese-facilitated new accord known as the Beijing Declaration involved 14 different…

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On Tuesday, the IOC announced that boxer Ms. Ngamba and taekwondo athlete Mr. Al-Ghotany would be carrying the IOC flag on behalf of the committee’s Olympic team during the opening ceremony. “Boxer Cindy and taekwondoin Yahya will be carrying the [IOC] flag, not representing one nation, but over 120 million forcibly displaced people worldwide,” UNHCR said in an online statement. Representing refugees Ms. Ngamba was born in Cameroon and moved to the United Kingdom when she was 11 and Mr. Al-Ghotany left Syria with his family as a child following the outbreak of war. Both athletes received Refugee Athlete Scholarships…

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“The bottom line is that we are still far off-track towards the goal of ridding the world of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition by 2030,” said Maximo Torero, Chief Economist at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in reference to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and specifically SDG 2: Zero Hunger. Mr. Torero noted that if current trends persist, around 582 million people will still face hunger in 2030, half of them in Africa. Despite progress in combating stunting and in promoting breastfeeding, global hunger levels have remained stubbornly static for three consecutive years. Between 713 million and 757…

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The internet, a vast and indispensable resource for modern society, has a darker side where malicious activities thrive. From identity theft to sophisticated malware attacks, cyber criminals keep coming up with new scam methods. Widely available generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools have now added a new layer of complexity to the cyber security landscape. Staying on top of your online security is more important than ever. The rise of dark LLMs One of the most sinister adaptations of current AI is the creation of “dark LLMs” (large language models). These uncensored versions of everyday AI systems like ChatGPT are re-engineered…

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Registrations are open for the Smarter Working Live Conference 2024, which will bring together professionals from across the public sector, online and in person, to uncover the secrets to exceptional workplace experiences. Now in its fourth year, the Smarter Working Live Conference will feature a range of talks and breakout sessions suitable for strategic workplace leaders and digital transformation professionals through to individuals looking for tips and tricks to improve their own smarter working practices.  Key themes include innovation, community and data and insight, including planning for the future of the workplace and the great productivity debate.  The conference will…

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On Friday, Mr. Gershkovich was handed a 16-year prison sentence on spying charges in a Russian court. The reporter was arrested in Russia in 2023 and has been held there since, despite calls for his release. That same day, Ms. Kurmasheva received a six-and-a-half-year prison sentence for “spreading fake news about the Russian army.” She has been arbitrarily detained in Russia since 18 October. Sentencing shocks The UN experts said they are shocked by the journalists’ being sentenced for “crimes they did not commit.” They also condemned the trial processes which had led to the convictions. “The rushed and secretive nature of their trials — over…

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Nasa’s missions are some of the most technologically advanced and critically important endeavours. From the Mars Rover explorations to the Artemis missions to the Moon, the space agency’s projects push the boundaries of science and technology. However, these missions are also prime targets for cyber-attacks. In a bold move to counter the escalating threat of these attacks, US congressmen Maxwell Alejandro Frost and Don Beyer have proposed the Spacecraft Cybersecurity Act. If passed, the legislation would mandate the US space agency Nasa to overhaul the way it procures and builds its spacecraft. It would have to incorporate rigorous cybersecurity measures…

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The Liberal National Party Queensland (LNP) has recently taken a bold step in its political strategy by employing artificial intelligence (AI) to shape public perception of the current premier, Steven Miles. This move has not only highlighted the innovative potential of AI in political campaigning but also sparked significant debate about its ethical implications. Globally, the use of AI in political campaigns is on the rise. In recent elections worldwide, AI has been harnessed to analyse voter behaviour, craft targeted messages, and even generate persuasive content. We saw the use of AI in the UK general elections through the development…

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