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For about 15 minutes on July 21, 1961, American astronaut Gus Grissom felt at the top of the world – and indeed he was. Grissom crewed the Liberty Bell 7 mission, a ballistic test flight that launched him through the atmosphere from a rocket. During the test, he sat inside a small capsule and reached a peak of over 100 miles up before splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean. A Navy ship, the USS Randolph, watched the successful end of the mission from a safe distance. Everything had gone according to plan, the controllers at Cape Canaveral were exultant, and…

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The Supreme Court has ruled that the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit cities from criminalizing sleeping outdoors. City of Grants Pass v. Johnson began when a small city in Oregon with just one homeless shelter began enforcing a local anti-camping law against people sleeping in public using a blanket or any other rudimentary protection against the elements – even if they had nowhere else to go. The court confronted this question: Is it unconstitutional to punish homeless people for doing in public things that are necessary to survive, such as sleeping, when there is no option…

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Asked about the state of America’s energy supply, 64% say the more important priority for the country should be expanding production of wind, solar and hydrogen power. A smaller share (35%) takes the opposite view, giving greater priority to expanding the exploration and production of oil, coal and natural gas. Still, relatively few Americans think the country should break with fossil fuels entirely. About seven-in-ten (69%) say the country should use a mix of sources like wind and solar in addition to oil, coal and natural gas. By contrast, 29% say the country should phase out oil, coal and natural…

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of more than $12.7M in training grants made by its Occupational Safety and Health Administration to support initiatives designed to create safer workplaces and, in turn, advance the department’s Good Jobs efforts.Administered by the agency’s Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, the grants aim to advance job quality for the U.S. workforce by providing instructor-led training for workers, supervisors and employers in small businesses; industries with high injury, illness, and fatality rates; and vulnerable, underserved workers, many of whom have limited English proficiency or are employed in temporary jobs.Funds will support…

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He was asked in Friday’s Q&A why his party attracts “racists and extremists.” And he was challenged on his stance on immigration and questioned over candidates the party has been forced to drop for making offensive remarks. In a tweet on Saturday, Farage called the Question Time audience “rigged” and said he was refusing to appear on the Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg show unless the broadcaster apologizes. “I have just been invited to appear on Laura Kuenssberg,” Farage said. “I’m refusing until the BBC apologizes for their dishonest QT audience.” He also charged that the broadcaster “has behaved like a…

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A traveler guarding against COVID-19 leaves the railway station in Wuhan, China, in March 2020; Hurricane Irma pummels Miami in September. (Feature China/Barcroft Media, left; Warren Faidley, both Getty Images) Foreign policy might not be the primary issue of the 2020 presidential election campaign, but Americans have clear ideas on the various threats facing the United States. Recent Pew Research Center surveys find that Americans are especially concerned about the spread of infectious diseases and are more likely than not to blame China for its role in the current COVID-19 pandemic. But foreign policy experts have distinctly different perspectives. A…

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The chief executive of drone delivery company Wing says 2024 is “the year of drone delivery”. The company first went public in 2014 as a Google “moonshot” project and now operates in several cities in Australia, the United States and Finland, with plans to expand further. Wing promises fast, cheap delivery of food and groceries at the touch of a button, with critics voicing concerns about personal intrusions such as noise and privacy. But what are the real challenges of having delivery drones in your neighbourhood? To find out, I’ve been spending time in Australia’s “drone zones”, interviewing residents and…

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Since 2006, this Council has adopted nine resolutions on the DPRK. All nine condemned the DPRK’s nuclear and ballistic missile activity. They called on the DPRK to cease this activity and imposed sanctions, including prohibiting the transfer of arms and related materiel between the DPRK and any UN Member State. All nine were unanimously adopted by this Council. Russia has violated these resolutions repeatedly. There is now a continuous flow of cargo between Russia and the DPRK. This includes munitions and ballistic missiles, as reported by UN experts in April and our briefer today. As well as weapons and the…

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The below is attributable to Spokesperson Matthew Miller: Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell met today with German Foreign Office State Secretary Thomas Bagger. Deputy Secretary Campbell and State Secretary Bagger coordinated on preparations for the upcoming NATO Washington Summit. They discussed priorities in the Indo-Pacific, including maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and across the Taiwan Strait, urging the PRC to cease shipments of dual-use goods to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine, and maritime and security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. Source_link

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If you’ve ever visited the fossil gallery of a natural history museum — or its gift shop, for that matter — you’ve probably seen the armoured body remains (or exoskeletons) of an extinct group of animals called trilobites. These ancient marine arthropods lived in the world’s oceans from 521 million to 252 million years ago. A typical trilobite fossil, showing the well-preserved hard exoskeleton, but no soft parts. John Paterson We know a great deal about the diversity, lifestyles and evolution of these iconic invertebrate fossils. More than 22,000 species of trilobite have been named. This is largely because the…

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