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Grilled on his comments by LBC Tuesday, Farage pointed the finger at the police — who in the U.K. do not routinely name suspects under the age of 18.  “What happened in Southport would not have been of the same magnitude had the truth been told and told very, very quickly,” the leading Brexiteer argued. “Had those questions been answered, far from stoking riots, it would have actually calmed them down considerably.” The mass stabbing in Southport has sparked days of violence across the U.K., with hundreds arrested. Hotels housing asylum seekers and mosques are among the locations targeted. `Speaking…

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On Monday a US federal judge ruled Google has violated antitrust laws, saying the organisation is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly. Google disputes the ruling. Its president of global affairs, Kent Walker, said “this decision recognises that Google offers the best search engine, but concludes that we shouldn’t be allowed to make it easily available”. Nevertheless, the landmark decision has shaken the foundation of Google’s business, its search engine. For well over a decade, Google has been the dominant search engine in the market. The tech giant reportedly controls around 90% of the…

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The Prime Minister has taken immediate action following the far-right thuggery we have seen take place after the devastating events in Southport last week. He has promised that those taking part in this disorder – whether it be directly or online – will face the full force of the law. The police will continue to make arrests, individuals will be held on remand, and charges and convictions will follow.  Ramp up criminal justice  Police chiefs have made clear that public order reserves will be on standby in strategic locations throughout the week, with thousands of extra officers available for rapid deployment wherever and whenever disorder arises.…

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The UN health agency is also concerned that more severe variants of the coronavirus may soon be on the horizon. “COVID-19 is still very much with us,” and circulating in all countries, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove of WHO told journalists in Geneva. Testing positive “Data from our sentinel-based surveillance system across 84 countries reports that the percent of positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 has been rising over several weeks,” she said. “Overall, test positivity is above 10 per cent, but this fluctuates per region. In Europe, percent positivity is above 20 per cent,” she added. New waves of infection have been registered in the…

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The attacks occurred in the city’s Novobovarskyi district late on Thursday. At least three people were killed and a further 16 injured, according to media reports. The repeated missile strikes caused significant damage to residential buildings. They also affected rescue workers rushing to the scene. In a statement issued on Friday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Denise Brown extended her deepest condolences “to the families impacted by the non-stop attacks by the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces.” Humanitarian response hampered Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, has come under relentless shelling in recent weeks. UN agencies have been assisting in evacuating people…

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Garoua, July 22 to 26, 2024 – The RIBADOU hotel hosted a series of decisive workshops as part of the PBF GYPI DDR Gender Project titled “Women for Inclusive Reintegration in Cameroon”. These workshops were designed to strengthen the engagement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in general, and Women’s Organizations (WOs) in particular, in the national Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process, as well as to support the National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (CNDDR) in its collaborative approach with civil society. The main objective of the workshops was to develop and validate a policy for engaging women’s organizations…

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DUBLIN (Reuters) – Ireland’s unemployment rate hit its highest rate in two-and-a-half years in July, rising to 4.7% from an upwardly revised 4.5% a month earlier, Central Statistics Office data showed on Tuesday. Data for March to May that had previously put the jobless rate near a record low in each month at 4% were also revised higher, meaning unemployment has now risen steadily for five successive months from 4.1% in February. (Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Alex Richardson) Source link

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Employers:    Ware Landscaping, Naperville, Illinois                             Michael Ware, ownerAction:           U.S. Department of Labor complaint and consent judgment filingCourt:             U.S. District Court for the Northern District of IllinoisCourt action: The department has obtained a consent judgment in federal court requiring Ware Landscaping and its owner to pay $67,500 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages for 77 employees, after an investigation by the department’s Wage and Hour Division found the employer violated the Fair Labor Standard Act’s overtime and minimum wage provisions. Investigators determined the Naperville landscaping and…

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BERLIN — Bremen ist das kleinste Bundesland Deutschlands. In der vergangenen Wahl schafften es gerade mal fünf Abgeordnete aus zwei Wahlkreisen in den Bundestag. Beide Direktmandate konnte die SPD für sich gewinnen. Doch diesmal dürfte es eng werden. Die Grünen, FDP und die CDU stellen jeweils einen Abgeordneten. Die SPD Die Vize-Kanzleramtsministerin Sarah Ryglewski hat ihren Rückzug angekündigt — und gibt damit auch ihren Posten auf. Ryglewski entgeht dadurch einem möglichen Wahlverlust, sollte das Ergebnis sich (erwartungsgemäß) verschlechtern. Die Nachfolge ist ungeklärt. Der Seeheim-Dealmaker Uwe Schmidt macht jedoch weiter. Nach aktuellen Umfragewerten und wegen der Wahlrechtsreform könnte es so aussehen, dass die SPD selbst im Fall…

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If you’ve seen an esports competition, chances are that there was a big stage with about 10 gaming PCs, each with a young person behind it wearing a look of intense concentration. They may have been competing for upward of a million dollars, and at the moment of victory, the winning team suddenly started screaming in joy. Some of those esports players are people with disabilities. Today, esports organizations such as Permastunned and Para Esports shine a spotlight on the accomplishments of competitors with disabilities. They also attract industry support from big-name sponsors. You might assume that these competitions started…

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