Author: admin

When people think about what we get from the U.S. space program, it may be along the lines of NASA technology spin-offs such as freeze-dried food and emergency space blankets. But space activities do much more that benefits life on Earth. Research in space helps scientists study our environment, develop new technologies, create jobs, grow the economy and foster international collaboration. Of course, with reports of Russia developing an anti-satellite nuclear weapon, members of Congress and the media have focused their attention on space defense and military readiness. This is critical, but there are still many other benefits to reap…

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Shri K.D. Dewal, Joint Secretary for Counter Terrorism in the Ministry of External Affairs of India, and Mr Chris Felton, Head of Counter Terrorism Network for Asia and Oceania, Government of United Kingdom, led the respective delegations to discuss the ongoing counter-terrorism cooperation between the two countries. India and the UK strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the cross-border movement of terrorists, and emphasised the need for strengthening international cooperation to combat terrorism in a comprehensive and sustained manner, in accordance with the UN charter and international law. The two sides shared their assessment of the…

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Accra/New York, 21-22 May – Renowned Ghanaian musician and National Goodwill Ambassador for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Kofi Kinaata, lent his distinctive voice to international efforts to promote regular migration pathways at the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM). Kinaata joined over 250 participants from governments, civil society, private sector partners and UN organizations from around the world at the event, which is IOM’s principal forum for migration policy dialogue.   The event, which is taking place from 21 – 22 May, focuses on “Facilitating Regular Pathways to a better future: Harnessing the power of migration.   “Becoming a National Goodwill…

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Suburban residents often face challenges receiving reliable and accessible bus transit — riders often complain about infrequent schedules and long waiting times. Often, transit agencies are unable to provide additional buses because population density in such areas is usually low. On-demand transit (ODT) is an innovative transportation approach that enhances the accessibility and quality of service while reducing operating costs. Despite the rapid growth of ODT services in various cities across Canada and the United States, the mechanism of placing ride-requests with many ODT service providers remains reliant on mobile applications, telephone calls or websites. But privacy concerns may lead…

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“It’s the optics that matter” is a modern cliche of political life. It doesn’t matter what you say so much as how you say it – and where you say it. If this is true, then the early election omens are not good for Rishi Sunak. Standing at the lectern, he looked like a schoolboy who’d been sent into the yard for being naughty. Hunched shoulders and sodden smile, he grimaced through a speech that was badly written and far too long. Where he gave the speech was nowhere unusual – in front of Downing Street like so many other…

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Good evening, let’s start with today’s top stories:Ireland, Spain and Norway have all announced that they intend to recognize a Palestinian state on May 28 and are encouraging other Western countries to follow suit. The countries said their decision is aimed at securing a ceasefire in Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza – and the development prompted an angry response from Israel, which recalled its ambassadors from the three capitals.Meanwhile, Israeli tanks have advanced to the edge of a crowded district in the heart of Rafah during one of the most intense bombardments of the southern Gaza city since Israel…

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WASHINGTON — El Departamento del Trabajo de los EE. UU. anunció hoy un acuerdo voluntario con el Departamento de Empleo de Oregon para reafirmar el compromiso de brindar un acceso significativo al programa de seguro de desempleo para las personas con dominio limitado del inglés.El Centro de Derechos Civiles del departamento llevó a cabo una revisión de cumplimiento y determinó que el programa de UI de Oregon se ha esforzado de forma admirable para brindar acceso lingüístico al publico, según lo exige la legislación nacional, pero hay áreas para mejorar y así garantizar que las personas con dominio limitado del inglés…

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Partnering with academic clinicians is essential for any clinical trial research, and helps ensure that trials translate into current clinical practice and remain focused on the needs of patients. However, in the UK, the number of academic clinicians within the health system is predicted to decline. This trend could make future clinical research more challenging. As part of our commitment to fostering translational clinical research in the UK, MRC is partnering with the AstraZeneca on one-year industry placement opportunities within their BioPharmaceuticals Research and Development (R&D) business. Strengthening ability to lead translational clinical trials The aim of this scheme is…

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1) The sport This summer sees the return of the European Championships — and the soccer tournament’s crunch fixtures fall right in the middle of the election campaign and on either side of polling day itself. Westminster-residing football fans hoping that pre-tournament favorites England meet success will find themselves sneaking a glance at the side’s matches while on the campaign trail. If England reaches the quarter finals, meanwhile, those fixtures will take place in the days immediately following the election. Scotland’s side are also playing at the tournament — and the timing of the campaign may present a problem for…

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Enabling sustainable and resilient farming Effective nutrient management is vital for farmers and growers as it can significantly boost productivity while minimising environmental impact. By maximising the efficiency of nutrient use, farmers can achieve better crop growth and yields, ultimately improving their bottom line. At the same time, effective nutrient management practices help protect soil and water quality by reducing the risk of nutrient runoff and erosion. This not only benefits farmers by ensuring the long-term sustainability of their operations but also contributes to broader environmental conservation efforts. Funding opportunity The £15 million ‘farming futures research and development fund nutrient…

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