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At some point in your life, you are likely to need legal advice. A survey carried out in 2023 by the Law Society, the Legal Services Board and YouGov found that two-thirds of respondents had experienced a legal issue in the past four years. The most common problems were employment, finance, welfare and benefits and consumer issues. But not everyone can afford to pay for legal advice. Of those survey respondents with legal problems, only 52% received professional help, 11% had assistance from other people such as family and friends and the remainder received no help at all. Many people…

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In the week leading up to the conviction delivered in a Manhattan courtroom on Friday, right-wing media was focused on Donald Trump’s innocence. Hosts of the popular podcast “Timcast IRL”, which scored an exclusive, 17-minute interview with the former president before his speech at the Libertarian National Convention, discussed the case at length. Their guest, Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official, argued that he had watched Michael Cohen – Trump’s former lawyer and the star witness in the criminal case against the former president – “implode the prosecution’s case”. Host Tim Pool agreed that “there is nothing here” and…

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DUBLIN, Ireland: In 2023, renewable energy sources contributed to 42 percent of Ireland’s electricity, according to the annual report released by EirGrid Group. EirGrid, which oversees the operation and development of Ireland’s electricity grid, highlighted significant advancements and challenges in the past year. Despite a drop in group profit before tax to 71.2 million euros from 114.9 million euros in 2022, largely due to regulatory timing differences and higher operating costs, the underlying profit for 2023 rose to 40.6 million euros from 26.3 million euros in 2022. This increase excludes the impact of over and under-recoveries on reported profit. EirGrid…

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APPLETON, WI – Federal investigators have concluded that an Appleton pallet manufacturer’s failure to train employees in machine safety procedures — and ensure the procedures were followed — contributed to the fatal injuries suffered by a 57-year-old employee struck by the carriage of a lumber stacking machine in late 2023.Investigators with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration responded to a report of a worker fatality at Konz Wood Products on Dec. 5, 2023, and learned the company had not made sure the machine was locked out to prevent movement while the employee removed a board jammed in…

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“Russian terrorists do not abandon their intentions to destroy the fuel and energy sector of the state,” said the air force on its Telegram channel. “The Air Force and the Defense Forces of Ukraine are doing everything possible to prevent the enemy from achieving its goals on every part of the front.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the attack in a post on X, saying that emergency workers were on the ground to assess the situation and provide relief. He also slammed Western allies for their “indecision” in providing military aid to his country, urging them to ramp up support…

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Last week, the head of Australia’s election regulator warned the organisation “does not possess the legislative tools or internal technical capability to deter, detect or adequately deal with false AI-generated content concerning the election process”. This remark, made to a senate committee on adopting artificial intelligence (AI), is not an isolated comment. The relationship between AI and democracy is the topic of many, increasingly urgent conversations taking place around the world. More than 60 countries will head to the polls in 2024, in what has been dubbed “the biggest election year in history”. Australia is expecting to hold elections in…

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On Monday, the DPRK launched a military satellite for the fourth time. The launch failed, but make no mistake this remains a flagrant violation of this Council’s resolutions. It also recklessly endangered Japanese civilians; the launch triggered missile warnings in Okinawa and missile debris fell into Japan’s territorial waters. The next day, the DPRK fired a volley of eighteen short-range ballistic missiles. This again violated multiple resolutions of this Council; the highest number of missiles fired in a single launch yet. President, the UK once again reiterates that this Council must take action. Such flagrant violations of Council resolutions cannot…

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Home » Europe » Netherlands We take pride in providing authentic travel recommendations based on our experiences through unique imagery and visiting each destination. We may earn a commission when you purchase a product or book a reservation. Learn more › I recently rented a boat as a group since I had friends in town visiting Amsterdam. This wasn’t my first time renting a boat in Amsterdam, but after this experience, I felt that I had enough lay of the land to showcase different perspectives on how to truly rent a boat for the right price. After living in Amsterdam…

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Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens will travel to Oslo, Norway, from June 3-5.  Ambassador Carstens will deliver remarks and participate in a panel titled “Silencing Critics: Authoritarian Hostage Taking” at the 16th Oslo Freedom Forum hosted by the Human Rights Foundation.  While in Oslo, Ambassador Carstens will also meet with other attending government representatives and civil society groups to discuss wrongful detention and hostage issues. Source_link

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It’s a bumper year for elections on the continent: by the end of 2024, 20 countries ought to have gone to the polls to vote in national elections. A handful of others are also scheduled to conduct local-level elections. As is the case elsewhere in the world, digital technologies have come to play a key role in African elections and political life more broadly – sometimes, but not always, in positive ways. Maxwell Maseko researches digital governance and media. He recently published a book chapter examining the potential threats and benefits to democracy that digital technologies pose in African countries.…

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