World News Intel

Thank you, Chair.

The UK supports Moldova in its considered rejection of the claims made by the Russian delegation at the Permanent Council meeting on 23 May. The Moldovan delegation’s comments speak for themselves, but I would nonetheless like to voice the UK’s support for Moldova. This is a country which is pursuing a bold reform agenda and building its future in Europe, in line with the wishes of the Moldovan people – all while defending against increased attention from hostile actors.

Firstly, the measured and proportional steps taken by Moldova in recent years have been necessary to address unprecedented levels of Russian disinformation, in an attempt to undermine Moldova’s democratic process. All Moldovans are entitled to credible and transparent journalism, free from propaganda and foreign interference. And as noted by my Moldovan colleague, Reporters without Borders placed Moldova 31st on the World Press Freedom Index. A well-earned position which demonstrates Moldova’s clear commitment to a free and independent media.

Moldova’s commitment to OSCE principles on election integrity and election observation is similarly welcome, building on the commitments agreed by all participating States at Copenhagen.  We commend Moldova’s longstanding and close cooperation with ODIHR, including Moldova’s recent request for a legal opinion on postal voting and their other work to follow up on ODIHR’s election recommendations.

Regarding the Transnistrian settlement process, Russia’s request to resume the 5+2 format makes no sense. We would dearly have liked the 5+2 to continue but, as Russia well knows, it is on hold because Russia has chosen to pursue its illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, and will continue to be on hold until all sides agree to resume. The UK continues to support a peaceful settlement under the 1+1 format, and we are grateful to the parties on both sides of the Nistru for their persistence in seeking constructive dialogue despite Russia’s repeated attempts to instrumentalise the process.

Madam Chair, it is ironic that many of the accusations made by the Russian delegation are a thinly veiled attempt to criticise them for taking the steps necessary to protect its democracy and territorial integrity from the very hybrid threats that Russia alone is responsible for. The UK stands resolutely with Moldova as it seeks to safeguard the democratic choices of its people.

Thank you.

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