World News Intel

Research by Savanta shared with POLITICO ranked the importance of various issues to voters, with respondents ranking culture war issues — such as gender identity, free speech and attitudes to Britain’s colonial past — at the very bottom of the pile.

Only 11 percent of people said these were top-five issues, while merely one percent ranked them as the most important issues informing their election choices.

The data found that people care most about the cost of living, followed by the environment and then foreign policy. 

Speaking ahead of Tuesday’s manifesto launch, Conservative Home’s Henry Hill said the party is hamstrung by its checkered record in power.

“The problem the government has now is that pretty much no matter what wing of the Conservative Party you’re on, the last 14 years have been a disappointment,” he said. 

“If you want low taxes, taxes are high. If you wanted to stay in the European Union, we left. If you wanted to leave the European Union, we haven’t really done anything yet with leaving the European Union. We haven’t struck all those trade deals and so on.

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