We voted in favour of this resolution renewing the 1591 Panel of Experts and we thank the US for leading the negotiations.
I’ll make two points.
First, I want to highlight the catastrophic situation currently faced by thousands of displaced people at Zamzam Camp in Darfur.
We’ve seen reports that the Rapid Support Forces have launched a further assault contrary to this council’s demands in Resolution 2736.
There are harrowing accounts of shelling and targeting of civilians.
It’s reported that at least 40 civilians have been killed and shelters have been razed to the ground.
These are people who were already facing devastating levels of humanitarian need, including famine.
So we condemn these attacks.
We underscore the need for the protection of civilians in line with international law and the commitments made by the warring parties in the 2023 Jeddah Declaration.
The situation underscores the continued importance of the Panel’s reporting to support the Council’s work on Sudan.
And once again, we call on all Member States to refrain from external interference, which foments conflict and instability, and instead to support mediation efforts for a durable peace.
Second, we note that while the UK welcomes the renewal of the Panel’s mandate for a further 12 months, we would have preferred to maintain previous language which, among other things, called for the parties to the conflict to cease violations of international humanitarian law and abuses and violations of international human rights law, and strongly condemned attacks against civilians, including sexual and gender based violence.
President, it is vital that this Council remain focused on protecting civilians in Sudan given the violence being committed against so many.
The UK will continue to press for a much more urgent and more effective international response to the crisis, including a reinvigorated mediation process.