World News Intel

In February 2024, the price of meat in the EU was 3.3% higher than in February 2023. Pork meat recorded the highest increase at 5.7%, ahead of lamb and goat (+4.5%) and beef and veal (+3%). Poultry, in contrast, registered a decrease of 1.6% compared with February 2023.

Over the past 3 years, the annual inflation rates for meat were the highest between April 2022 and March 2023, with annual rates of change above 10%. The highest rate was registered in February 2023 when the price was 17.3% higher than in February 2022. 

The annual increase in the prices of beef, veal, lamb and goat remained below 15% during the past 3 years. The price of poultry (+24.4% in November 2022) and pork (+18.8% in February 2023) registered higher fluctuations.

Source dataset: prc_hicp_manr

In February 2024, most EU countries reported an increase in prices for meat, compared with February 2023. The highest increase was recorded in Bulgaria (+8.2%), followed by Romania (+7.7%) and Croatia (+7.1%).

In contrast, 3 countries recorded a decrease in the prices for meat: Czechia (-5.1%), Finland (-2.2%) and Denmark (-0.6%).

Inflation rate for meat, February 2024, %, annual rate of change. Chart. See link to full dataset below.

Source dataset: prc_hicp_manr

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