‘Star Wars Outlaws’ is an upcoming open-world game developed by Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft, and Lucasfilm Games. It is set between the events of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, and follows the adventures of Kay Vess, a clever scoundrel who plans to pull off one of the biggest heists in the Outer Rim. The game will feature a variety of locations, characters, and vehicles from the Star Wars universe, as well as an original story that will immerse players in the galactic underworld.
The game is scheduled to release in 2024 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC. The game has not yet announced its price or pre-order details, but fans can watch the official trailer and view key art and other details on the Star Wars website. The game is a highly anticipated title for Star Wars fans and open-world enthusiasts alike, as it promises to deliver a rich and immersive experience that will let players explore a galaxy of opportunity.
Image Credit: Ubisoft