World News Intel

The EU is a key international partner in global trade and investment. Eurostat’s new dashboard on globalisation statistics presents trends in international trade and investments in an easily understandable and intuitive way. The dashboard presents 21 selected indicators showing the EU’s role in globalisation within 3 main topics: 

  • Global business hub
  • Global trading partnerships
  • Global investments

Multiple functionalities are available to tailor the dashboard to your needs and interests:

  • Customise your selection of countries and the length of the time series
  • Filter the indicators by the topic of your interest
  • Choose between line or bar charts
  • Access underlying source datasets in the Eurostat database 
  • Access the Statistics Explained article to get more in-depth information
  • Share the dashboard and customised interactive charts on social media

The dashboard is updated automatically when new or revised data become available in Eurostat’s database, thus always showing the most up-to-date picture.

Discover our new globalisation dashboard now. 

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