World News Intel

In 2024, 33% of EU internet users reported that they had done an online course or used online learning material in the 3 months prior to the survey. This is a 3 percentage point (pp) increase compared with 2023 (30%).

Ireland recorded the highest share of internet users engaged in online learning (61%), followed by the Netherlands (59%) and Finland (53%).

By contrast, online education was less prevalent in Romania (10%), Cyprus (11%) and Bulgaria (17%).

Source dataset: isoc_ci_ac_i

When considering specific online learning methods, 18% of internet users did an online course in 2024, which was most prevalent in Ireland (36%), Finland and Spain (both 32%). At the same time, 29% internet users used online learning materials, with the highest share in the Netherlands (53%), Ireland (52%) and Finland (46%).

This news item marks the International Day of Education, celebrated on 24 January.

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