World News Intel

Heavy rainfall caused a massive landslide on the BR-367 highway near Guaratuba in Paranà, Brazil on November 28, 2022, leaving around 21 vehicles — 15 cars and 6 trucks — buried under the debris and an estimated 30 people missing.

Two bodies have been recovered following the incident, 6 others were rescued while another 6 managed to escape the vehicles without needing assistance.

The search for the missing is continuing, the state government said.

Image credit: Civil Defence Paranà
Image credit: Adryel Pabst/City Hall of Garuva
Image credit: Adryel Pabst/City Hall of Garuva
Image credit: Adryel Pabst/City Hall of Garuva

Heavy rain has affected other areas of the state, including Antonina, Araucária, Campina Grande do Sul, Campo Largo, Curitiba, Guaraqueçaba, Guaratuba, Itaperuçu, Morretes, Piraquara, Quatro Barras and São José dos Pinhais.1

As of December 2, flooding affected 7 528 people and damaged 647 homes, of them 500 in São José dos Pinhais.

1 Brazil – Thousands Displaced, 10 Dead After Rain, Floods and Landslides in 5 States – FloodList – December 5, 2022

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