World News Intel

In 2023, 69% of EU citizens aged 16-74 have used a website or an app of a public authority in the preceding 12 months. 

The share varied greatly among EU countries, with highest shares recorded in Denmark (98%), Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden (all 95%). In contrast, the lowest shares were recorded in Romania (23%), Bulgaria (30%) and Germany (58%).

Source dataset: isoc_ciegi_ac

Looking at the different e-government activities in more detail reveals that, in 2023, 42% of people used e-government services in the previous 12 months to obtain information about services, benefits, laws, opening hours or similar. This was followed by the downloading or printing of official forms (40%), the accessing of personal information (39%), and the making of an appointment or a reservation and receiving official communication or documents (37%).

Source dataset: isoc_ciegi_ac

The share of individuals who submitted tax declarations online was somewhat lower at 29%. Similarly, the figures for accessing public databases or registers were 19%, while 18% of people requested official documents or certificates and 17% requested benefits or entitlements online.

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