World News Intel

In 2023, for the 11 EU countries that report inward foreign direct investment (FDI) positions by ultimate investing economy, the total value of investment amounted to €3 263 billion, up from €3 241 billion in 2022. 

Germany replaced the United States as the top ultimate investing economy, with investments worth €410 billion (12.6% of the total value by ultimate investing economy). The United States was referred to the second place with €406 billion (12.5%), followed by France with €356 billion (10.9%), the United Kingdom with €290 billion (8.9%) and Switzerland with €211 billion (6.5%).  

Source dataset: bop_fdi6_pos

Luxembourg biggest immediate investing economy

The total inward FDI positions for the immediate investing economy for the same 11 EU countries amounted to €3 263 billion.

Luxembourg accounted for the largest part of the total investments with €550 billion (16.9% of the total by immediate investing economy), followed by the Netherlands (€502 billion; 15.4%), Germany (€363 billion; 11.1%), the United Kingdom (€291 billion; 8.9%) and France (€231 billion; 7.1%).

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