World News Intel

A court in Denmark sentenced a 38-year-old woman to four years in prison and took away her Danish citizenship for “promoting” the ISIS terror group in Syria.

She promoted the activities of the Islamic State terrorist organization, “by acting as a housewife and wife of persons that were active in IS, helped ISIS maintain and consolidate its position in the area,” according to the Court of Kolding in southern Denmark.

In 2015, the woman entered Syria with her husband and six children, where she lived as a mother and housewife in Raqqa and other places, local media reported.

As a dual citizen of Denmark and Bosnia, the woman will not become stateless as a consequence of the court decision. The court also ruled that she should be deported from Denmark with a permanent entry ban. The verdict can be appealed within the next 14 days.

After the Danish government came under political pressure, the woman — whose name has not been published — was evacuated from northeastern Syria in October 2021, together with two other Danish women and their 14 children. The women were all taken into custody and charged with promoting a terrorist organization and traveling to a conflict zone without permission.

Last week in the U.K., so-called ISIS bride Shamima Begum lost an appeal over a decision to strip her of British citizenship for similar reasons. In contrast to the Danish government, London did not evacuate Begum, leaving her indefinitely detained as an ISIS supporter at a camp in Syria.

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