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At the European Research and Innovation Days today, the European Commission launched a new coronavirus collaboration portal that offers matchmaking opportunities for researchers and research projects worldwide focusing on the socio-economic aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. The initiative supports the ’Global Approach to Research and Innovation’. It reconfirms Europe’s commitment to a level of global openness that is needed to drive excellence, pool resources to achieve scientific progress and develop vibrant innovation ecosystems.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:

Collaboration on a global scale through sharing scientific and societal research data can help find solutions to the coronavirus pandemic.  As we emerge from this crisis, the Coronavirus Global R&I Collaboration Portal will be a valuable tool to help us understand the socio-economic aspect and how best to respond.

The portal is open to research organisations and individual researchers from all over the world, helping them to:

  • Collaborate on research projects related to the socio-economic aspects of the pandemic.
  • Create networking and matchmaking opportunities.
  • Connect with other researchers and increase the impact of their activities.
  • Coordinate the sharing of information.
  • Complement synergies with other online platforms on the coronavirus pandemic.


The Commission has been at the forefront of supporting research and innovation and coordinating European and global research efforts, including preparedness for pandemics.

So far €4.1 billion has been invested from 2007 to 2019 through the 7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020 in infectious diseases research. In addition to a number of past, and ongoing, research actions related to coronaviruses and outbreaks, the Commission also launched several special actions in 2020, as part of a €1 billion pledge for coronavirus research. These actions address epidemiology, preparedness and response to outbreaks, the development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, as well as the infrastructures and resources that enable this research. 

On 18 May, the Commission adopted a Communication on its Global Approach to Research and Innovation, Europe’s strategy for international cooperation in a changing world. With this, the EU aims to take a leading role in supporting international research and innovation partnerships, and to deliver innovative solutions to make our societies green, digital and healthy.

Horizon Europe, the EU research & innovation programme (2021-2027), will continue to invest in research and innovation to tackle infectious diseases including poverty-related and neglected diseases. The first emergency funding of €123 million announced on 7th April, for urgent research into coronavirus variants, is one of a range of actions helping to contribute to the Commission’s overall action to prevent, mitigate and respond to the impact of coronavirus variants, in line with the new European bio-defence preparedness plan HERA Incubator.

More information

Coronavirus Global R&I Collaboration Portal

Coronavirus research and innovation

Factsheet EU research and innovation in action against the coronavirus

Europe’s Global Approach to Research and Innovation

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