World News Intel

Senior British diplomats in Washington are now confident they have identified the right MAGA Republican strategists and representatives on Capitol Hill who actually have the ear of Trump.

A person close to Starmer’s Downing Street said the British embassy is far better prepared now than in 2016, when it made very little preparation for the possibility Trump would win the presidency.  

“A great job has been done by Karen Pierce and her team,” the person said. “They have not repeated the mistakes of 2016.”

There is alarm, too, in Germany. 

“It is now clear that Joe Biden sticking to his candidacy will only help Trump,” said Roderich Kiesewetter, a prominent Christian Democrat lawmaker on the Foreign Affairs Committee in Berlin. “It can only be hoped that the Democrats will find a way for Joe Biden to withdraw while saving face and that Kamala Harris, for example, will become the Democrats’ frontrunner.”

“I am concerned about the domestic political divide in the United States and the potential impact of Donald Trump’s election victory on transatlantic security and democratic institutions in the U.S.,” Kiesewetter said.

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