LONDON — It was a freak yachting accident that gripped the world. And the disappearance of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch in stormy seas off the cost of Sicily was even made stranger by the fact that two days earlier, his business partner Stephen Chamberlain was fatally injured in a car accident. As long-standing business associates, the pair were tried as co-defendants in a fraud trial over the sale of software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion (£7 billion). Following the sale of Autonomy in 2011, Lynch co-founded the cybersecurity firm Darktrace and Chamberlain was appointed chief financial officer.…
Author: Laurie Clarke
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LONDON — As riots swept the U.K. in recent days, far-right groups plotted attacks on immigration centers and swapped manuals for making petrol bombs on the fringe social network Telegram. Social media platforms have faced intense criticism for hosting extremist rhetoric that has inflamed violent disorder since the killing of three children in Southport in a stabbing attack late July. But while Elon Musk’s provocations on X (formerly Twitter) have grabbed the limelight, right-wing agitators have long enjoyed an unparalleled level of impunity on Telegram. “The far right, fascists and neo-nazis have long regarded Telegram as a safe space for…