World News Intel

AeroMexico has deployed ATPCO’s Routehappy
merchandising solution.

ATPCO now creates and distributes all content
types – UPAs (Universal Product Attributes), Amenities and UTAs
(Universal Ticket Attributes) – for the airline to all third-party
distribution channels that subscribe to Routehappy.

The technology enables AeroMexico to visually
represent its products and offers using targeted content, and to
integrate the content on its own direct channel.

More than 50 sales channels and
industry partners such as Kayak, Sabre and Amadeus use the ATPCO
retailing API to consume the content with the API receiving more
than 32 million calls per day.

By leveraging the reach of the
Routehappy merchandising solution, AeroMexico can create and
publish ancillary content like UPAs once and distribute it
everywhere the content is displayed.

“We were looking for the best-in-class
merchandising solution that would provide our customers with a
modern shopping experience that could effectively influence
purchasing decisions,” said Rasti Martos, SVP of Revenue
Management and Distribution at AeroMexico. “We know that shoppers
want to see targeted visuals and attributes in flight shopping,
and that this content really moves the needle in terms of
conversions and upsells, putting our trust in ATPCO was the best
decision for AeroMexico and we are looking forward to seeing the
success of the content with passengers.”

Now that the AeroMexico merchandising content has
been deployed and is live, the carrier can showcase the
investments they have made in products, services, and travel
experiences, such as free messaging and free beverages on all
flights and cabins, regardless of the channel consumers are
shopping on.

Consumers no longer want to view commoditized
displays, and when sales channels only show price and schedule, AeroMexico cannot present the full value proposition of its
branded fare products.

“Another airline is joining the ranks of
world-class merchandisers,” said Chris Phillips, Vice President
of Global Sales at ATPCO. “More and more airlines are realizing
‘it’s all about the display’ when it comes to flight shopping. By
providing a superior user experience for their customers,
regardless of the channel, AeroMexico can realize untapped revenue
opportunities while consumers can choose the experience that best
fits their needs.”


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