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Challenge area: supporting a just transition

Smart Heat and Intelligent Energy in Low-income Districts (SHIELD)

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £5,401,332

SHIELD is a bold new initiative aimed at making the net zero transition accessible to low-income residents of social housing and other tenures who cannot afford low carbon technologies.

Project partners:

  • UK Power Networks (lead)
  • Power Circle Projects
  • Eastlight Community Homes
  • Electricity North West
  • Essex County Council
  • Thermify
  • UK Community Works
  • UrbanChain
  • Citizens Advice Essex
  • Essex Community Energy

Challenge area: accelerating decarbonisation of major energy demands

Flexible railway energy hubs

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £8,256,616

The flexible railway energy hubs will demonstrate a transformative approach to accelerate the decarbonisation of the single largest electricity consumer, Network Rail.

Project partners:

  • SP Energy Transmission (lead)
  • Network Rail
  • University of Leeds
  • Ricardo AEA Limited
  • GE Energy Power Conversion UK Ltd


Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £9,743,620

Heatropolis is developing a groundbreaking technical and commercial framework. This involves unlocking better outcomes between heat and electricity networks using data to maximise the use of electricity network capacity, so that heat networks can be decarbonised faster.

Project partners:

  • UK Power Networks (lead)
  • Passiv UK
  • Metropolitan
  • Guidehouse

Planning Regional Infrastructure in a Digital Environment (PRIDE)

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £3,733,400

PRIDE is using a digital tool to model changes to electricity, heat, gas, transport, digital and water infrastructure, to inform decisions on investing in decarbonisation.

Project partners:

  • National Grid Electricity Distribution (lead)
  • Advanced Infrastructure Technology Limited
  • West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Regen
  • National Grid Electricity System Operator

Challenge area: preparing for a net zero power system

Powering Wales renewably

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £10,353,633

Powering Wales renewably involves network companies and local government collaborating to accelerate low-carbon energy in Wales, taking a whole electricity system approach.

Project partners:

  • National Grid Electricity Systems Operator (lead)
  • CGI
  • National Grid Electricity Distribution
  • National Grid Electricity Transmission
  • SP Energy
  • Cenin Renewables
  • Wales and West Utilities
  • National Gas Transmission
  • Welsh Government

SIF blade black start demonstrator from offshore wind

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £ 4,850,905

SIF blade black start demonstrator from offshore wind is investigating how new technology can enable wind farms to restore the grid following a blackout, instead of fossil fuel generators.

Project partners:

  • SP Energy Transmission (Lead)
  • Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Transmission
  • National HVDC Centre
  • University of Strathclyde
  • The Northern Energy Initiative (TNEI)
  • Carbon Trust

Challenge area: improving energy system resilience and robustness

CReDo+ Climate Resilience Demonstrator (extension to new climate risks)

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £9,806,929

CReDo is developing tools to help predict likely risks to energy networks from extreme weather events.

Project partners:

  • UK Power Networks (lead)
  • Connected Places Catapult
  • Computational Modelling Cambridge
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council
  • Cadent Gas
  • National Gas
  • SP Manweb
  • National Grid Electricity Systems Operator
  • University of Edinburgh


Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £ 8,065, 746

D-suite is exploring how power electronics devices can help monitor and manage low-voltage distribution networks, in the face of growing demand for renewable electricity.

Project partners:

  • SP Energy (lead)
  • Newcastle University
  • Integrated Energy
  • Cardiff University
  • UK Power Networks

Multi resilience

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £6,255,384

Multi resilience is working on coordinated solutions for cost effective resilient services that maintain customer supply during unplanned grid outages, particularly in rural locations that have a heightened risk of outage.

Project partners:

  • Northern Powergrid (lead)
  • Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution
  • Smarter Grid Solutions
  • TNEI

NextGen electrolysis: wastewater to green hydrogen

Lead network type: gas

Funding award: £5,866,292

NextGen electrolysis aims to reduce the cost of producing hydrogen, by using wastewater rather than high-purity water for the electrolysis process.

Project partners:

  • Wales and West Utilities (lead)
  • HydroStar Europe
  • National Grid Electricity Distribution
  • Welsh Water
  • Yeo Valley

Phased switch system

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £3,123,350

Phased switch system is reducing the load on our energy system to improve capacity, lower carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the likelihood of customer voltage issues preventing participation in flexibility services.

The project is also working on further developing an existing prototype to market readiness.

Project partners:

  • National Grid Electricity Distribution (lead)
  • Low Carbon Electric
  • Power Networks Demonstration Centre
  • UK Power Networks
  • Nortech

SF6 whole life strategy

Lead network type: electricity

Funding award: £8,500,724

The SF6 whole life strategy project is exploring ways to end the use of sulphur hexafluoride, a potent greenhouse gas in electrical systems.

Project partners:

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission (lead)
  • DNV
  • The University of Manchester
  • Scottish Hydro Electrical Transmission
  • SP Transmission
  • DILO
  • WIKA


Ofgem is Britain’s independent energy regulator. Its role is to protect consumers now and in the future by working to deliver a greener, fairer energy system.

It does this by:

  • working with government, industry, and consumer groups to deliver a net zero economy at the lowest cost to consumers
  • stamping out sharp and bad practice, ensuring fair treatment for all consumers, especially the vulnerable
  • enabling competition and innovation, which drives down prices and results in new products and services for consumers


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